Call Center

What Is Inbound & Outbound Customer Service?

Inbound and outbound customer service provide various forms of support to your customers by telephone. Inbound customer service is the traditional approach to telephone-based customer service. Here, the customer calls your company with a service request or an inquiry. Outbound customer service represents a more proactive approach. An agent from your call center contacts customers to follow up on a service issue or to notify customers of new products or policy changes.


Inbound customer service is when the customer calls your company with a service request or an inquiry. Outbound customer service happens when an agent from your call center contacts customers to follow up on a service issue or to notify customers of new products or policy changes.

Inbound Customer Service

An inbound customer service facility works best when it provides customers with a single point of contact for all their service questions. Customers ring a single number to order products, make a payment, register a purchase or obtain product information. They can also place a support request or make an inquiry about a product. The agents handling the incoming calls must have the product and technical knowledge to deal with the call personally or, if necessary, transfer the call to a specialist.

Customers appreciate the convenience of a single point of contact, provided they receive an appropriate response.

Customer Service Standards

Maintaining a consistent standard of service at all times can prove costly. The call center must have enough agents on duty to answer calls quickly and minimize waiting times for customers. However, incoming call volumes vary throughout the day.

Waiting times may increase at peak times, while agents may be underused during quieter times. Call-center managers therefore aim to match staffing levels with call volumes to maintain prompt, convenient service and control staff costs.

Customer Self-service Facilities

As an alternative to high staffing levels, some companies are offering customers self-service facilities for routine tasks to reduce call volumes. In the self-service model, customers access secure online services to carry out tasks such as making payments, ordering products, checking account details or booking a service visit. Introducing self-service improves productivity in the call center and frees agents to handle more complex customer issues such as technical problems or complaints during peak times.

Outbound Customer Service

Outbound customer service provides two important benefits. Managers can make greater use of agents during quiet periods, improving productivity further. Outbound calls can also strengthen customer relationships by increasing contact and improving the quality of customer experience. A welcome call to a new customer, for example, reinforces the relationship and provides an opportunity to offer additional products or services.

Calling a customer for feedback after a service visit demonstrates that you are concerned about the quality of service.




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